Around our house we tend to make up our own words or terms for things. Sometimes this comes out of just pure silliness, or sometimes by happy accident, or the more likely moment (which for most of us moms means pretty much a multiple times per day moment) of having complete word loss or loss of mental function. Three of the favorite terms in our house are:
Wyattism: The random and often shocking, sarcastic, and hilarious things that come out of Wyatt’s mouth when he doesn’t think before he speaks. Wyattisms have given me a true appreciation for what my mother has gone through most of my life and for all of the times when she has or still does looks at me and says “Tara. . .some things are just better left inside of your head.”
Wyattogic: Wyatt’s version of logic and way of justifying things. Often used when he wants something that He has been told he can’t have, or when he is trying to get out of doing something he doesn’t want to do OR his favorite, when he as been caught doing something he knows he is not allowed to do (hard to punish a kid when he makes you laugh hysterically. He has caught on to this weakness).
and last but not least!
Wryatt: The term used to describe the massive, messy, dangerous, stinky, impish, magnificent ball of boy energy that has its own orbit that is created when Wyatt and Riley both are in a “mood” and decide to combine forces and destroy and/or eat everything in sight. Wryatt has a superhero like ability to destroy an entire house, take out every single toy, lay a lego mine field, consume more food than a high-school football team, and leave even the best babysitter begging for mercy and a beer in under 5 minutes. The term “Wryatt” (sounds like Riot) originated from a flustered, exhausted mommy moment of not being able to properly remember either childs name while trying to wrangle said beings and therefore came out as the perfect combination of both of their names. needless to say, It stuck.
A few recent Wyattisms, Wyattogics and Wryatt moments:
“Know what?! I’m 7. Which means I’m almost a teenager.
Know what a teenager is!? A crazy person.
It’s gonna be awesome!”
Wyatt: “Mom! Joey and I are Communists now!
Me: *Blank Stare. Mouth hanging open.*
Wyatt: “We like all the same things and play the same games. We have lots of stuff in common!”
Wyatt: “Mom, if you’re sick you shouldn’t be going to work.”
Me: “I’m fine buddy. Besides, I have to go to work. Otherwise, who’s gonna pay those bills?”
Wyatt: *walks to desk, picks up stack of bills and throws them in the trash*. “There you go. Bills all done!” (MY HERO)
Wyatt: “Hey mom when you fall off your surfboard that’s called a wipe out!”
Me: “Oh really? Good to know.”
Wyatt:”yeah I see you do it a lot so I thought you should know. You know that’s not how you’re ‘sposed to be doing it right?”
Me: “Thanks for that buddy.”
Me: “Boys please stop yelling. Y’all are about to make mama lose her mind.”
Wyatt: “Awesome! Before you do that, just make sure you feed us breakfast!”
At the grocery store at the end of a very long day. One kid screaming and the other begging for everything in sight. The cashier told the boys they need to be nicer to me. Without missing a beat Wyatt replied “Oh don’t worry. She’s tough! She hasn’t broken yet and we’ve tried!”
Me: “Wyatt please put your dishes in the sink.”
Wyatt: “I did.”
Me: “Then why am I sitting here looking at them.”
Wyatt: “I don’t know. Why ARE you sitting there looking at them?”