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[quoteRight]A boy is Truth with dirt on it’s face, Beauty with a cut on its finger, Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.[/quoteRight]

One of my strongest memories from when I was pregnant, both times, was my absolute terror at the thought of having a girl. Yes, I know, for a woman that probably sounds odd.  I grew up with two sisters, and we were all very close in age. Perhaps that is why; I know first hand how crazy girls can be.  I can’t handle anything pink, frilly, or princess.  I remember when I got pregnant with Riley, thinking: “Well…if its a girl…she is still wearing Wyatts hand me downs!”  Not to say boys are any easier, it is just different.   Both times that I was told I have having a boy I remember sighing in relief.

These days however….my sighs have been more in exasperation and exhaustion.   To be honest, my few day trips here and there for work lately have been the key to my sanity.  I have two very strong minded, opinionated, sarcastic little men who I love more than life itself, but there are days that I truly think their goal is to see just how much it is going to take to push me over the edge so they can send me to the loony bin.  I do my best to document all of this insanity because I know that some day soon I get to look back and laugh at it and miss it.  Instagram has become my best friend for these moments because my phone is always in my pocket.

Riley loves food. Loves it more than life itself. He is 30lbs of one year old mini-line backer and I am terrified of what my grocery bill is going to look like when he hits teenage y ears.  His sole mission in life is to make sure there is food in his mouth and in both hands at all time.  This being said…apparently there is no child lock that shall deter him from this goal.  Cheerios are the current favorite (can you tell?).
His other favorite thing is mommy’s hair brush…which he holds on to for dear life while sleeping.


Wyatt is still my little drama-king.  Everything has to be over the top and on his terms.  Mama got smart last week though.  If you angle your bed into a corner, the kids think its a fun “fort”….till they realize it also doubles as a kiddy-prison that they can’t get out of.  Good times!

There are still a few quiet moments here and there, and I try to soak them up because I know they will just keep getting fewer and shorter.

Occasionally I worry about their sense of humor.  However I realize it is kind of my fault, genetically speaking.  Angry birds stuffed under the shirt, and wearing moms undies while picking their nose….totally normal around here.   I apologize to all of those that experience these things while in my home.   However, I know that these moments and the  laughter that they bring are priceless.  I want my children to know the importance of laughter and fun.

They always treat me like their queen (granted I do realize that when I am referred to as “your majesty” it is usually with sarcasm).  I still wear my paper crown with pride!

Tranformer battles on the farm are a normal activity around here.  Poor chicken never saw it coming.

Whether it is wearing paper sacks and cowboy hats, ripping their teeth out (because he needs the cash from the tooth fairy of course), stealing food and kisses, running through my clean house with water guns and mud, jumping through my car window (I now regret introducing him to the dukes of hazzard), testing the every limit and making me question my sanity, I wouldn’t change or miss a moment of it for the world.

Is it nap time yet?


For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

