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Most photogs I know do that whole instagram feed during the month of November of things they are grateful for leading up to Thanksgiving. Love the idea, but I decided to do my own take on it.  Through the end of the year I am shooting one thing per week that I am grateful for specific to our Autism journey since Wyatt’s diagnosis.

Week one of things I am grateful for on our journey: His best friend, Kenny.


Wyatt met Kenny the first day at his new school when we moved back to FL.  First grade.  It was a rough transition for us, going from a liberal montessori school to a private christian school with strict schedules and lots of homework.  Kenny and Wyatt clicked from that first day.  Wyatt struggled those first few months with meltdowns at school, anxiety issues related to his school work, migraines, and a lot of frustration with comprehension and ability to get his work done in class.  We noticed that Kenny had this almost magical ability to calm Wyatt.  The adults jokingly called him the Wyatt whisperer.  He has such an extreme amount of patience for a little boy of 9, and and he has a way of anticipating the meltdowns before they happen.  He naturally tends to move Wyatt forward and push him through things in only a way that Kenny can.  Nowadays they tend to interact more like brothers than friends (I noticed their teacher has them on opposite sides of the classroom this year and it made me giggle.)  Every morning during drop off time they greet each other the same way: “Kenny!!!!” “Wyatt!!!” (as of they didn’t just see each other yesterday and it has been years.)

Wyatt was so ready for school to start because he knew that meant being home and having weekend sleepovers with Kenny after school.  They run wild through my house, and woods, as only two 3rd/4th grade boys can.  I love it, and am so grateful for it.  In the midst of hours of school and therapies each week that frustrate me because I feel like they are sucking hours of childhood away from my baby that he can’t get back, their friendship is so refreshing and so full of boyish antics. I just love it.

They usually refuse pictures because they are just too busy for me and my silly camera, but this morning they gave me exactly two minutes as long as they could do whatever they wanted!  I’ll take what I can get!



IMG_0129eb IMG_0131web webNever a serious moment.  Ever.



For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

