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[quoteRight] “Not all those who wander are lost.  – JRR Tolkien” [/quoteRight]

This week has been a little crazy and in the middle of it all I just now realized that we are already into October.  In the middle of my “holy crap where did this year go I still have so much to get done” moment, it hit me like a sucker punch to the stomach that one year ago this week I packed up the few things I owned and started driving East, officially closing the book on my life in Washington.  Funny, looking back over the last 12 months, although life has drastically changed, I think it’s fair to say WA isn’t letting me go without a fight.    I remember the moment I crossed the state line, leaving Washington.  I broke into sobs, and called my friend and told him I was turning around and that I couldn’t do it.  I didn’t though, obviously.  I did however cry my way from Washington to Texas, where my best friend was waiting with open arms, a stiff drink, and a reminder that being terrified was a good thing (Hey I never said she was sane).

Fast forward to this July:  I was called to WA for a last minute emergency situation, with little more than 18 hours to pack, get on a plane and get there I didn’t really have time to mentally process what was going on or think about what it would be like to return.   I wasn’t prepared for the emotional roller coaster that that trip took me on.  I managed to make it out of the airport and over the Tacoma Narrows bridge before the tears started this time.  At first I tried to hide them behind my sunglasses and suck it up, but eventually there was no way to hide them.  I’m pretty sure my poor friend who had picked me up didn’t know what to do with the ball of emotions sitting in his passenger seat. I didn’t know what to do with the ball of emotions in his passenger seat.   The closer we got to my old home the happier I got and the worse the crying got.  We arrived just as the sun was setting over my favorite view from the bluffs and my very untimely tidal wave of emotions came to an end.   I think I’m going to owe him beers for life for that little road trip.  Lessons learned the hard way in why to not bottle up ones emotions for long periods of time! 😛

It was in those two moments this past year that I truly realized what it was to be in love with a place.  Not just like it, appreciate it, or think it’s cool.  But to be connected on another level that reaches inside of you to your very core and soul of your being and brings a feeling out of you that there are just no words to describe.  I can’t fully explain it.  It’s just a peace and contentment that takes over when you are there.  I think it truly brings meaning to the phrase “Home is where the heart is.”  I always hesitate to answer when people ask me where “home” is for me, because there are a few places that my heart calls “home”.  I don’t think you have to limit that to once specific place or even person, and I hope to add many more places to that list before I die.  This heart of mine is happy to wander and find new “homes”.

I wasn’t able to fit my camera in my carry on bag that trip, but I had my trusty iPhone as usual…and snapped a few pictures of those places and moments.  There’s nothing better than a random drive and hike to the top of your favorite mountain to put the world in perspective and clear your mind!

WA1 wa2 wa3  wa5

So in the spirit of all things favorite places: leave me a comment.  Where does your heart call “home”?  I’m always looking for places to add to my bucket list! Leave me some suggestions of places I have to experience!



For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

