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This was one of my absolutely favorite adventure sessions from last year.  I captured David & Marianne’s wedding here in Florida last fall, but before that, I took a little weekend trip up to NYC to visit them and shoot their engagement photos.  I always tell my clients to think of things they love to do together, places that are special to them, to think of activities and places that they would love to look back on in 20 years and remember making memories together there, even if it is simple little things.   All of the locations that we shot at were places that are part of their lives together in Brooklyn.    This session ended up actually taking place over the course of two days, because a random rain storm ended up rolling in the first day.  We still shot for a bit though! Played in the rain and visiting their favorite spots around their neighborhood.  Between ducking into tunnels and hiding under umbrellas, we visiting one of their favorite pubs, the local park, the spot that David proposed, their apartment and rooftop. I love that they were up for anything even with the rain coming down.  It really allowed for a lot of fun and creative shots.  On day two, we explored more locations that they love around town and visited the botanical gardens.   These two have amazing green thumbs.  Which of course fascinates me because I can kill any plant in record time.  So, when I saw their garden on their patio, I knew I wanted to incorporate that.   So thankful I was able to meet them and work with these two, it was truly a highlight of my year!


For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

