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I can’t even say how much of a joy it was to work with these two. First of all, Caitlin has impeccable taste, so when I walked into their home and saw that everything in the house was done in neutrals and grey color pallete I basically died of happiness right there and wanted to move in. I could have shot in there all day.  Second, I am so excited for these two to become parents. I think they are gonna totally rock at it, and they have just the best energy together (I mean look at them).  Caitlin, you are the definition of a glowing mama to be.  Your sweet soul just shines through in every single image.  I love that you are taking so much joy in the process of mamahood and pregnancy and embracing every single detail of it.   I can’t wait to meet Baby Vorisek!

Ok y’all. so a little bit of picture overload, but picking favorites was so hard!  


For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

