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Most photogs I know do that whole instagram feed during the month of November of things they are grateful for leading up to Thanksgiving. Love the idea, but I decided to do my own take on it. Through the end of the year I am shooting one thing per week that I am grateful for specific to our Autism journey since Wyatt’s diagnosis.

Week two of things I am grateful for on our journey: His puppy, Tank.


     When Tank first came home he was about 6 weeks old and I could hold him in just one hand. He has always had the sweetest disposition, and despite all of our dogs that are around Wyatt attached to him very quickly. Technically, Tank was supposed to be Grandmas puppy, but I think Wyatt and Tank claimed each other.


Like many autistic kids, Wyatt has what is called SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder).  He craves certain tactile feelings or sensations.  Wyatt is definitely a sensory seeker. He buries himself in things, loves his buzzing and brushing therapies at home, and is usually all over me. Hugging, petting, anything that gets him that contact his sensory system is seeking.  Now I love being loved on as much as the next mama, but occasionally it can be overwhelming.

Tank however just LOVES being loved on.  All. The. Time.
Even better, He loves right back.  All. The Time.

 He will just randomly walk up to Wyatt and sit on him or lean against him.  Having him around helps keep Wyatt balanced. He loves to be pet, to cuddle with Wyatt, and there are many times I will walk in to find him in Wyatt’s bed laying on top of Wyatt or wrapping his body around Wyatts.  He is the perfect “therapist” to keep all of that seeking stuff in check.

I was recently part of a small focus group that met with Shands here in FL to discuss current treatments, new research, and what is going on with Autism in general.  One of the topics that was brought up was the massive amount of evidence out there to support therapy animals as a method of management or treatment for children and adults alike.  It was fascinating and oh so true in our lives.

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For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

