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The day I learned that “Aloha” isn’t merely a word.

That it isn’t just a greeting or a farewell.  

It is a way of life forged in love.

 Something shared between souls.

 A nod from one heart to another.  

A guiding force of good will and peace.

 An “I see you and accept you” with  joy.

 It is grace and compassion that is shared from the purest part of the heart.

It is a way of saying “welcome home” to a stranger. 

At least that is the way I came to know it in my short time on Maui. My favorite moments of the trip were spent watching the moon set amidst a blanket of stars every morning, and an evening at Little Beach surrounded by strangers who never for a moment make you feel like you are anywhere but home. Thanks for letting me and my camera feel welcome and thank you to my friend Emily for letting me capture her beautiful children during our adventure. <3 The images below were all taken in the span of 6 hours.  I can’t wait to go back!

(just a note…the following post contains nudity. If that offends you, look away.)

For the photogs who are curious all images were shot on Canon 5D Mark IV and either a Sigma 35mm or 50mm Art Lens.  One of my goals this trip was to see how the Mark IV performed under extreme low light conditions.  Most of the night time shots you see are at ISO 10,000 or higher or are long exposures of 20-30 seconds for the star images.


For all the latest updates, sneak peeks and behind the scenes be sure to follow me at @TaraMcPhotoArt on Instagram!

